Fototapeta Bears in Air Balloons

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Choose the wallpaper and dimensions that suit you!

Standard Paper Wallpaper - 115 g/m⊃2;, made from premium blueback paper. It has a matte, smooth surface, ideal for wall application. Designed for indoor use, it’s durable and easy to apply with wallpaper glue. A dry or slightly damp cloth is recommended for maintenance.

Self-Adhesive PVC Wallpaper - 300μ PVC film from renowned manufacturers (Oracal, 3M, Intercoat). Suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, it can be applied to walls and other perfectly smooth surfaces. Can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Premium Embossed Wallpaper - 300g/m⊃2; high-quality textured paper. This wallpaper is paper-based, allowing the wall to "breathe." It’s waterproof and abrasion-resistant, easy to apply with wallpaper glue, and suitable for both indoor and outdoor use, intended for walls.

Depending on the size of the wallpaper and material you choose, we prepare strips from 50 to 127 cm in width. During application, the strips align to form a single, large mural on the wall - a photo wallpaper. The colors we use for printing are EU certified and safe for children’s environments.

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